So, in Sql server 2005 and above you can use parenthesis before and after you param.
Here you go:
SELECT TOP (@elements) * from tableCities
It is pretty easy, isn't it?
How to write code in C#, Asp.Net, Php, Javascript, C. On this blog you will find example codes that will help you to understand concepts of programming.
SELECT TOP (@elements) * from tableCities
////// Adds business days to a date /// /// /// ///public static DateTime AddBusinessDays(this DateTime dateTime, int businessDays) { DateTime resultDate = dateTime; while (businessDays > 0) { resultDate = resultDate.AddDays(1); if (resultDate.DayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Saturday && resultDate.DayOfWeek != DayOfWeek.Sunday) businessDays--; } return resultDate; }